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On 1st September 1991 the „Integrierte Gesamtschule Halle“ – a comprehensive school in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt – opened its doors. It has been existing ever since.

This school offers the unique chance for children with different intellectual abilities to learn together. Children at our school are taught from the 5th grade (approximately aged 10) up to the 13th grade (approximately aged 19, then). They can acquire all valid graduations of Saxony-Anhalt. At the present time more than 700 boys and girls (coming from the whole city of Halle) are attending 32 classes. Moreover, nearly 120 pupils (aged 16 – 19) are attending the higher grades for obtaining their A-levels. Our comprehensive school is situated in the centre of Halle, Adam-Kuckhoff-Str. 37. The old school building reflects a long tradition of school history.

At the “Integrierte Gesamtschule Halle” a schoolday is a lot more than just lessons. The school can be referred to as an “open-all-day-long-school”, offering a wide range of various leisure time activities in the afternoon. Since 1997 / 1998 handicapped children have been successfully taught at our school, too. They attend regular school classes and are taught on the basis of especially developed teaching methods.

More than 70 female and male teachers (working together in teams) and educaters take care of the education of the pupils. The common aim – which everybody is trying to achieve – is to bring up the children to open minded and socially committed people.

That’s why the motto of the school is: IGS.Halle – a school for all children.